Average Unit Price Calculator

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Average Unit Price Calculator calculates the average unit price by reflecting multiple unit prices.

Unit Price (USD) Quantity Subtotal (USD) Delete

Total Cost: $0.00

Total Quantity: 0

Average Unit Price: $0.00

๐Ÿ“Œ Calculation Method

The average unit price is calculated using a weighted average formula:

Average Unit Price = (ฮฃ(Unit Price ร— Quantity)) รท Total Quantity

๐Ÿ“Œ Calculation Example

Let's assume the following data:

Item Unit Price (USD) Quantity Unit Price ร— Quantity (USD)
Product A $10.00 5 $50.00
Product B $25.00 3 $75.00
Product C $18.00 2 $36.00
Total $161.00
Total Quantity 10
Average Unit Price $16.10

Thus, the average unit price is $16.10.