Dog Age Calculator is a calculator that converts your dog's actual age into human years. Perform detailed calculations based on dog size (small, medium, large) and breed.
Dog Age Calculator
How old is your adorable furry friend?
Have you ever wondered, "How old would my dog be in human years?"
It's natural to be curious about it.
Just like humans, dogs also age as time passes—it’s a natural part of life.
Discover your dog's age with the dog age calculator!
Dog Breeds by Size Classification
Dogs are classified into small, medium, and large breeds based on their size. Each size category has unique representative breeds and characteristics. Check out the details below for each size category.
Small Dogs (Under 10kg)
- Representative Breeds: Maltese, Chihuahua, Yorkshire Terrier, Pomeranian, Toy Poodle, Miniature Poodle
- Characteristics: Small-bodied dogs are prone to joint issues, especially patellar luxation, which requires careful attention.
Medium Dogs (10–25kg)
- Representative Breeds: Beagle, Border Collie, Shiba Inu, Welsh Corgi, Cocker Spaniel, Spitz, Whippet, Bulldog, Dachshund
- Characteristics: Medium-sized dogs are sturdier than small dogs and often require more exercise. Breeds like Dachshunds and Welsh Corgis need special care to prevent back injuries.
Large Dogs (Over 25kg)
- Representative Breeds: Alaskan Malamute, Doberman, Retriever, Husky, Jindo, Standard Poodle
- Characteristics: Large dogs are powerful and require proper leash training. They produce more waste and may face restrictions in traveling or visiting pet-friendly places compared to smaller dogs.
How to Calculate Dog Age
Dog age is converted to human years based on the following criteria:
- Under 1 year of age: Converted by month. 1 month is 1 year, 2 months is 2 years, 3 months is 5 years, 4 months is 6 years, 5 months is 8 years, 6 months is 10 years, 7 months is 11 years, 8 months is 12 years, 9 months is 13 years, 10 months is 14 years, 11 months is 15 years.
- 1 year: The first year of life is equivalent to about 16 years in human years.
- 2 years: The second year of life is equivalent to about 24 years in human years.
- 2 years and beyond: After 2 years, each year is calculated differently depending on the breed of dog:
- Small dogs: 5 years added each year
- Medium dogs: 6 years added each year
- Large dogs: Every year 7 years old added
Dog Age Conversion Table
Here is a comparison chart of dog breeds to human age conversions:
Dog Age | Life Cycle | Small Dogs (Human Age) | Medium Dogs (Human Age) | Large Dogs (Human Age) |
Average Dog Lifespan
Average dog lifespan varies by size and breed:
- Small Dogs: Average 12 to 16 years, some small dogs can live up to 20 years.
- Medium dogs: Can live on average 10 to 14 years.
- Large dogs: Can live on average 8 to 12 years, which is a relatively short lifespan compared to small and medium-sized dogs.
The average lifespan of a dog is affected by several factors, including genetic factors, living environment, health care, and dietary habits.
A nutritious diet and regular exercise are important factors in helping your dog stay healthy and live a long life.