Google Docs Inline Translator is an inline translator that translates parts of a Google Docs document.
How to Use Google Docs Inline Translator
Google Docs Translator can basically translate the entire document from the Tools - Translate menu.
If you want to translate only a part of the document, you can use the Google Docs Inline Translator app script included in the Google Docs below.
1. Go to Google Docs Inline Translator Document. For quick testing, you can test it with the demo version. Since the demo version is a shared document, when other users edit Google Docs, your document will also be edited. For official use, we recommend that you create a copy of the official version, not the demo version.
2. Make a copy of the document.

3. Install the Google Docs Inline Translator in the copied document as follows: Extensions menu → Google Docs Inline Translator → Start

4. Select a portion of the text in the document, choose the target language in the translation panel on the right, click the "Translate" button, and then press the "Insert" button to replace the original text with the translated version.