The Up-Down Quiz is a simple and fun game where you guess a random number using the up-and-down method. Try to figure out the generated random number!
Game message
Chances left: 5
How to Play 🎮
The Up-Down Quiz is a game where you guess a randomly generated number between 1 and 100.
- Enter a number between 1 and 100 and click the 'Confirm' button.
- If your number is lower than the correct answer, the message "Up!" will appear.
- If your number is higher than the correct answer, the message "Down!" will appear.
- Use these hints to narrow down the range and guess the correct number.
- You have a total of 5 attempts. If you fail to guess correctly, the game ends.
- Click the 'Reset' button to start a new game.
Quiz Tips 🎯
- It is most effective to start with the middle number, 50.
- If you get "Up!", guess between 51 and 100. If you get "Down!", guess between 1 and 49.
- Using a binary search strategy can help you find the correct answer in fewer attempts!
Why Start at 50? 💡
Choosing 50 as the first guess is the most efficient because it immediately reduces the possible range by half.
For example:
- If the correct number is higher than 50, your next guess should be the midpoint of 51–100, which is 75.
- If the correct number is lower than 50, your next guess should be the midpoint of 1–49, which is 25.
This strategy increases the chances of finding the correct number within 5 attempts!